Week 1
Lecture 1
- date: 15/10/24
- Intro
- LOC = lines of code.
- Development time - quality
- SWE at-large vs at-small
- Activities and design decisions
- organisatory: moodle pass isw2425
- acrasia
Lecture 2 (tech)
- date: 15/10/24
- organisatory infos
- java overview
Week 2
Lecture 1
- date: 22/10/24
- Process & Project
- Team organisation
- Extreme programming
- software development tools like git
- requirements engineering
- GenAI (Uni Heidelberg => Yoki)
Lecture 2 (tech)
- date: 22/10/24
- java review 2:
- Inheritence
- Object construction and types casts
- parameter passing: primitive types as value, objects as reference
- git review:
- chatGPT overview
Week 3
Lecture 1
- date: 29/10/24
- Requirements Engineering
- Usage/User Description
- Task and FuncArrayListtion Description
- GUI Description
Lecture 2 (tech)
- date: 29/10/24
- git
- issue tracking
- android basics
- Questions:
- A.3.1:
- how exactly combat score?
- A.3.2:
- Arbeitsbereich?
- UI-Struktur-Diagramm?
- konkrete Sicht / virtual Windows ?
- excel datei selbst erstellen oder ist sie auf confluence?
- A.3.3:
- is
a UI class or a data class?
- What are
import de.uhd.ifi.pokemonmanager.R
- Layout Ressourcen fuer
und RecyclerView
Week 4
Lecture 1
- date: 05/11/24
- ui-design principles
- usability
Lecture 2 (tech)
- date: 05/11/24
- some advanced java stuff