Week 1
- date: 14/10/24
- massive increases in cyber-attacks in last 2-3 years. who is carrying out the attacks? how to find out? Is AI responsible for the increase?
- Intro & infos:
- Lernziele:
- Organisational:
- website
- all informations/materials on moodle.
- ransomware (check out the wiki article)
- Information security vs IT-Security: former is a subset of the latter. IT-Security is information security in the realm of electronic information.
- General 3 goals of Information security - CIA:
- Confidentiality
- Integrity
- Availability
- Castle analogy. Thick walls can protect, what about the gates? How to determine who belongs to the castle, who doesn’t? Increasing security measures can directly cause new vulnerabilities.
- date: 15/10/24
- organisatory infos:
- 6 Assignment sheets, 50% for the exam.
- tutorials on heico.
Week 2
- date: 21/10/24
- how effective is security by obscurity? (not at all) in fact, open protocols and algorithms enhance security
- ISO/OSI Reference modell.
- Physical layer: not part of the lecture
- data link layer
- network layer
- transport layer
- session layer
- presentation layer
- application layer
- smtp(insecure), ftp, http
- Protocols
- ARP: ARP-spoofing, ARP-poisoning (MITM: Man in the Middle)
- date: 22/10/24
- SANS penetration testing
- Schwachstelle/Weakness: Any error oder weakness that violates the CIA principles.
- Bedrohung/Threat: Actor, that takes advantage of a weakness
- Risiko/Risk: Damage, that can occur due to a weakness.
- Exploit: The actual code or the actual process that takes advantage of the weakness.
- Penetration Test:
- Scope: IP adress space
- Recon (Reconessence) \(\rightarrow\) Scanning & initial access space \(\rightarrow\) Exploitation \(\rightarrow\) Post-exploitation
- TCP:
- Syn-pakete
- open
- closed
- filtered
- filtered
Week 3
- date: 28/10/24
Crytpographic methods
- basic definitions of cryptology, cryptography encryption, decryption, signing data
- Classification of cryptographic algorithms:
- crypotgraphic hash-functions
- symmetric cryptographic algorithms
- asymmetric cryptographic algorithms
- Cryptogrpahic check values.
- Difference to Information/Coding theory: Coding theory random errors
- cyrptographic hash functions:
- compression
- ease of computation
- …
- md5, sha-1, sha-2 families
- date: 29/10/24 lecture review:
- MAC is used for authentication:
MAC(K, msg) = Sha256(k || msg)
ct = Enc(k, pt)
ct == cypher-text. pt == plain-text.
- Even more securer:
ct = Enc(MAC || Enc(pt, K))
- strong collision resistence implies weak collision resistency.
- x’ collides with x iff h(x) = h(x’).
Week 4
- date: 04/11/24
lecture review:
- MDC (Modification Detection Code) (Integrity)
- MAC (Message Authentification Code) (authenticity)
- MAC is a cryptographic checksum.
- Birthday paradox - relation to hashing.
- Passwords
- shouldn’t be plain text
- Salt & Pepper (?)
- Brute-froce attack
- date: 05/11/24
- websites cryptography / cryptoanalhysis challenges:
- cryptohack
- cryptopals
- juiceshop
- hackthebox
- ctftime.org