3  Arrays

An array is a contigious sequence of memory cells.

3.1 Bounded Arrays

Bounded arrays have fixed size and are an efficient data structure.

  • Size must be known during compile time and is fixed.
  • Its memory location in the stack allows many compiler optimizations.

3.2 Unbounded Arrays

The size of an unbounded array can dynamically change during run-time. From the user POV it provides the same behaviour as a linked list.

It allows the operations:

  • pushBack(e: T): insert an element at the end of the array
  • popBack(e: T): remove an element at the end of the array

Memory Management

  • allocate(n): request a \(n\) contigious blocks of memory words and returns the address value of the first block. This we have the memory blocks:

    array memory allocation

    where ptr + i addresses are determined by pointer arithmetic.

  • dispose(ptr) marks the memory address value held in ptr as free, effectively deleting the object held there.

In general, the allocated memory can’t grow dynamically during life time, since the immediate memory block after the last one might get unpredictably occupied \(\Rightarrow\) If we need a new memory block of size \(n' > n\), we must allocate a new block, copy the old block contents, and finally free it.


First we consider a slow variant:

Class UArraySlow<T>:=
  c := 0 : Nat // capacity
  b : Array[0..c-1]<T> // the array itself

  pushBack(el : T) : void :=
    // c++
    // allocate new array on heap with new capacity
    // copy elements over from the old array
    // insert el at the last location
  popBack() : void := 
    // analagous

Problem: \(n\) pushBack operations require \(1 + \dots + n \in \mathcal{O}(n^2)\) time \(\Rightarrow\) slow.


Unbounded Arrays with Extra Memory

Idea: Request more memory than initial capacity. Reallocate memory only when array gets full or too empty:

Algorithm design principle: make common case fast.

Class UArray<T> := 
  c := 1 : Nat // capacity
  n := 0 : Nat // number of elements in the array

  //invariant n <= c < k*n || (n == 0 && c < 2)
  b : Array[0..c-1]<T>

  // Array access
  Operator [i : Nat] : T := 
    assert(0 <= i < n)
    return b[i]

  // accessor method for n
  Function size() : Nat := return n

  Procedure pushBack(e : T) := 
    if n == c :
      reallocate(2*n) // see definition below
    b[n] := e

  // reallocates a new memory with a given capacity c_new
  Procedure reallocate(c_new : Nat) := 
    c := c_new 
    b_new := new Array[0..c_new - 1]<T>
    //copy elements over to new array
    for (i = 1 to n - 1) :
      b_new[i] := b[i]
    b := b_new 

  Procedure popBack() :=
    // don't do anything for empty arrays
    assert n > 0
    if 4*n <= c && n > 0 :